Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sandy Creek Association

I've heard Ergun Caner mention being of the Sandy Creek Association strain of Southern Baptists. He says they weren't Calvinists. On his most recent blog, he states that he's "a Free Church, General Atonement, Sandy Creek, congregational polity, Southern Baptist". Well, I just looked up the historical info on the Sandy Creek Baptist Association and I found something Dr. Caner might find rather difficult to reconcile with his statements about the Sandy Creek Association.

Please note the wording of the following 2 lines of the "Principles of Faith" of the Sandy Creek Association. Let's see for ourselves what the Sandy Creek Association actually affirmed:
III. That Adam fell from his original state of purity, and that his sin is imputed to his posterity; that human nature is corrupt, and that man, of his own free will and ability, is impotent to regain the state in which he was primarily placed.

IV. We believe in election from eternity, effectual calling by the Holy Spirit of God, and justification in his sight only by the imputation of Christ's righteousness. And we believe that they who are thus elected, effectually called, and justified, will persevere through grace to the end, that none of them be lost.

All of that sounds alot like the Doctrines of Grace if you ask me..! I don't know, perhaps Dr. Caner has never read this confession? Yeah, that's a good explaination. That's what I would like to think. I'd sure hate to think he was trying to be deceptive about all of this.

Dr. Caner... Could you help a brother out here??

**** After posting this, I visited James White's blog and noticed he had a much better post that mentions this very same topic. I suggest reading it for a much better take on the whole issue****

1 comment:

Bob Hayton said...

Thanks for sharing this!