Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Reality Check: Proverty in America

"By any conceivable standard, the poor in America enjoy a standard of living that people in previous ages (and indeed elsewhere in the world today) could scarcely have imagined. Some 41% of our poor own their own homes, with another 75% owning automobiles and VCR sand two-thirds having air conditioning and microwave ovens. Virtually all own telephones, refrigerators, and television sets, all of which were once considered luxuries. The average poor person in America has more living space and is more likely to own a car and a dishwasher than the average European. What passes for poor in America today would have passed for fantastically wealthy in any other place or age."

-Excerpt from The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History by Thomas E. Woods Ph.D

1 comment:

Gordan said...

Ooooo, this is becoming a soap-box issue for me, as my job routinely brings me in contact with the "welfare community." I can barely speak of this at all because of how angry it makes me. I see it all the time, people living rent-free, not paying montly bills other than phone and credit card, with nicer cars parked outside than anything I've ever owned.

Bottom line: 90% of our "poor" are rich by Biblical standards, and not only are they rich but they are grossly ungrateful and consumed by an attitude of entitlement. I absolutely refuse to believe that these are the "poor" that God has a soft-spot in His heart for.