Thursday, June 14, 2007

Buy American?

I happen to work at one of Walmart's largest, and oldest, import distribution centers. I'd guess that 90% of the goods we handle are made in China.

In the warehouse, there are several quotes by Sam Walton in frames on a wall outside the Human Resources office. Two or three of the quotes are of "Mr. Sam" talking about how Walmart is committed to buying American goods! (How's that for irony?)

I guess the bottom line is that Walmart will continue to sell the cheap Chinese junk until Americans decide to quit buying it.

When that happens, then I'll be unemployed...


Exist-Dissolve said...

Actually, I think the constant rise in gas prices has shown that Americans WILL buy products for higher prices if they need them and cannot get them elsewhere.

However, the only way to stop Wal-Marts and their ilk from importing super-cheap products is to put the screws on them.

Honestly, I don't know what would be worse: to live in a country where we get fat off the oppression of others (like we do today), or to have the government regulate trade more than it already does.

Machine Gun Kelley said...

I've worked for them for almost 12 years and I am pretty sure Mr. Sam is probably rolling over in his grave about now...

The only things the big-shots in Bentonville understand are dollar signs.

If/when there is a signifigant backlash from American consumers, then we'll see changes. If people want to change Walmart, the route to take cast their votes with the almight dollar!

Exist-Dissolve said...

I imagine that the major surge of interest in organic foods and produce does not sit well with the powers that be...