Monday, November 12, 2007

Modalism: Time to Take a Stand!

Sometimes Christians who are zealous for Biblical truth and sound theology, will "draw a line in the sand" and declare that a certain teacher or ministry is "heretical". When that happens, you can be sure that some well meaning Christians will get their dander up and scold that brother for taking such a firm doctrinal stance. You can do many things in Christendom today, but using the word "heretic" to describe a popular minister is not one of them!

Take for example Tommy Tenney and T.D. Jakes. These men are very popular within Pentecostal and Charismatic circles. Jakes is especially popular among African-Americans. Several years ago, when I was a minister in the Church of God of Prophecy, I actually read two of Tenney's books. However, what I didn't know then (and what most people don't know now) is that both Tenney and T.D. Jakes knowingly embrace a damnable heresy known as "Modalism" -sometimes refered to as "Sabellianism". Both of these men are "Oneness Pentecostals". That's right! These men deny the Trinity!

Instead of exposing and condemning these men and their heresies, many modern Trinitarians -who are for the most part ignorant of the implications of the Modalist heresy and the fact that has been condemned by the church for around 1800 years- don't see any problem with listening to these men preach, or attend their conferences, or reading their books.

After all, some might say, "T.D. Jakes preaches with such fervor" or "Tommy Tenney's God Chasers book was such a blessing to me". Sadly, in our day, discernment is at such a low that any heretic will be received with open arms just as long as he has a television ministry or was able to secure a big book deal.

T.D. Jakes' own website exposes his Modalism:

"God -There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
(emphasis mine)

In Christian orthodoxy, God is understood as described in the Athanasian Creed -that God is One and yet three Persons. The use of the term "three manifestations" is clearly Modalistic and also espoused by the United Pentecostal Church.

Tenney is harder to pin down. I can find no doctrinal statement on his website, however, his Modalism and other aberrant teachings have been documented by the Christian Research Institute.

How serious is this heresy?

Let me put it like this: Until I see that these men have openly repented of, and forsaken, their Modalistic beliefs, I will forever consider them heretics and outside of the Body of Christ. Sadly, many a modern Christian would be terribly offended for me making a statement such as this...

Christians who would never invite an unrepentant pornographer, a thief, a drunk, or a pedophile to teach in their church, will blindly embrace and sit under the preaching of people who believe and teach the Modalist heresy! Why don't Christians see that this heresy is just as serious -if not more serious- that the sins I have just mentioned?

Some may think I'm being too dogmatic over this issue... "After all", someone might say, "the Trinity is one of those mysterious things we may never fully grasp in this life". And I agree. However, there's a big difference in not understanding everything about a difficult theological concept, and conscientiously embracing doctrines that are opposed to the historic and orthodox understanding of the Trinity. Though Jakes and Tenney may sound somewhat orthodox and be commonly accepted in today's Christian world, these men are every bit as poisonous as Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons.

A more important question to consider is where exactly did the Apostle Paul draw the line while writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

To the Galatians, Paul took a stand against those who taught that a person must circumcised in order to be saved -a seemingly insignificant doctrinal issue when one considers all the heresies that are prevalent (and totally acceptable) in our day!

Dr. James R. White recently composed a satirical letter that reflects the attitude of Christians in our day, especially those who will baulk over my refusal to accept Jakes and Tenney as brothers in Christ:

Dear Paul:

In reviewing your letter to the churches of Galatia, we, the modern men of the 21st century, have come to the conclusion that you truly missed the point in your very pointed and, may we say, unloving comments regarding the faithful brothers with whom you had but a minor theological difference. We are in particular offended that you would identify men who clearly confess faith in Christ and who have risked their lives for their faith "false brethren."

Who are you to make such a harsh judgment, in light of their many evidences of faith? These men are Christians, and to call them false brethren is a serious sin! You are bearing false witness against them! And to dare to read the intentions of their hearts so as to say they were "sneaking" into the fellowship is simply beyond the pale. You should be ashamed of yourself! All you disagree on is a minor point of theology! They believe in Christ! They believe in His resurrection! They simply believe one should be circumcised so as to be a part of the covenant people of God!

How narrow of you to exclude them from the fellowship of faith simply on the basis of such a minor thing as this! Why won't you focus upon the areas of agreement you have? Why focus only upon differences, the negatives? Don't you realize you will never win people to your views if you continue to act in this fashion? We seriously request that you apologize to the faithful brothers you anathematized in your ill-advised letter to the churches of Galatia. By this, true peace and unity might be achieved!

Paul took a stand against legalism. If we won't take a stand on something as essential as the doctrine of the Trinity, we should be ashamed of ourselves.

Unity at the expense of truth is no virtue -nor is it Christian!

Soli Deo Gloria!


kelly jack said...

Excellent work, I understand that the christian singing group Phillips,Craig &Dean also embrace modalism.

Joshua A. Hitchcock said...

Interesting, I did not know that about PC&D. Good article.