Sunday, February 03, 2008

When And Where Does Christ Reign?

Bryan at the ἀκολουθέω Χριστόν [I Follow Christ] blog has asked this question and posted a great article on what the Bible actually teaches concering the "millennial reign of Christ." Are we waiting on Jesus to return to Earth before He can take the throne? Or does He already rule and reign? These are important questions and I think Bryan has given a solid exegetical response.

(I would also like to note that , personally, I fit in the "modern" Postmillennial camp that he's speaking of in the article.)


kelly jack said...

Excellent work on this doctrine, I will admit to anyone that it has always been a backburner doctrine for me but I've really started to see how it shapes our views on other things.
I had leaned toward amill since leaving premill a few years ago but you have lain down a very good case for postmill. I'm slow to move on certain things but I will look over your post and into postmill and see where it leads me.

Machine Gun Kelley said...


One very helpful book for me was: Postmillenialism: An Eschatology of Hope, by Keith A. Mathison.

They sell it at also has some good eschatological resources that line up with my view.

Be blessed,
