Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ironic Quote...

"After the reading of Scripture, which I strenuously inculcate, and more than any other ... I recommend that the Commentaries of Calvin be read ... For I affirm that in the interpretation of the Scriptures Calvin is incomparable, and that his Commentaries are more to be valued than anything that is handed down to us in the writings of the Fathers -- so much that I concede to him a certain spirit of prophecy in which he stands distinguished above others, above most, indeed, above all"

-Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, considering Calvin (1509-1564) died when little Jacob was four, it's easy for him to pay Calvin lip service while turning his teaching on its head.

But praise from one's opponent always carries much weight.

Bob Hayton said...

Fascinating, Rhett.

Highland Host said...

I wish more Arminians would listen to Arminius on this one.