Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And the Winner Is....

Dave H!

Dave correctly guessed that the three false items were:

#2. I met President Ronald Reagan on a trip to Washington, D.C. when I was in 3rd grade.
#3. I once helped thwart an attempted bank robbery
#5. I have visited all the States in the Old Confederacy.

(Everything else was true!)

As soon as Dave emails me his mailing address, I will have a copy of the Amazing Grace DVD shipped to him.

Gordan almost got it. He wrongly guessed item # 7, thus revealing that he doubted Royal blood runs through my veins!

Stay tuned to the Rant blog as I'm about to unleash another one of my Baptist News Network Press news articles!

1 comment:

Seth Fuller said...

Congratulations, Dave!

Theological Satire